JOE OVELMAN : Snow Queen
CHUL HYUN AHN : new work
March 4 - 26, 2005
We are delighted to exhibit New York-based photographer Joe Ovelman’s provocative series Snow Queen. Witnesses to Ovelman's bold Washington, DC debut (exhibiting Seventeen Strangers in SEVEN MORE (things we like), July 2004) will find Snow Queen equally challenging and visually alluring.
Within gay culture the slang term snow queen typically refers to a black man who only dates white men. However, for Joe Ovelman the term is used more literally. His recent photographic series depicts the artist, dressed in his grandmother's white stag coat and glamour drag, in wild abandon on a snowy night in the notorious 'rambles' of New York's Central Park. The images possess both the candidness found in Lisette Model's socialites and the campy absurdity of John Waters.
also on view: new work by Chul Hyun Ahn
By manipulating fluorescent lights and mirrors inside hand-built wooden boxes, Ahn creates fascinating optical structures. In creating these works, the artist contemplates Buddhist theories of infinity and explores historical artistic conceptions of space. The gallery is very pleased to continue its association with this promising young Baltimore artist, who exhibited earlier work in SEVEN (things we like), 2003, and represented the Maryland Institute College of Art in Academy 2001 and Academy 2002.
There will be opening night reception at Conner Contemporary Art on Friday, March 4th from 6-8pm.